Connection Information Request
What city/region are you in?*
Albuquerque, NM
Birmingham, AL
Boise, ID
Central PA (Harrisburg)
Central PA (York)
Central PA (Lancaster)
Chapel Hill, NC
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Denver/Boulder, CO
Detroit, MI
Fayetteville, NC
Greenville, SC
NorCal - Antioch, CA
NorCal - Modesto
NorCal - Stockton
NorCal - Walnut Creek
Northern VA
Olympia, WA
Ontario, OR
Raleigh, NC
Roanoke, VA
Seattle, WA
SoCal - High Desert
SoCal - Orange County
SoCal - Pomona
SoCal - Riverside/Corona
SoCal - San Bernardino
SoCal - San Fernando
SoCal - Santa Barbara
SoCal - Upland
SoCal - Ventura County
SoCal - Vista
South Florida
Triad, NC (Greensboro/WS)
Whatcom County, WA
None of these
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Prayer Walk Volunteer (commit to regularly volunteer at the prayer walks)
Prayer Team (sign up to cover your city in prayer regularly)
Sidewalk Outreach (offer hope and help at the abortion center)
Life Discipleship/Mentoring (walk with a mom/dad who has chosen life)
Orphan Care (learn more about foster care/adoption)
Financial Partnership (sow monetarily to see this ministry move across the nation)
Restored Life (learn more about abortion recovery ministry)